So, I was due on Sunday. I knew I was going to go over because I did with the other two boys, so it hasn't been that big of a deal. Yes, I'm ready, but what can you do. Anyway, after Blake's soccer practice yesterday, we went to Wendy's to eat and I started having really strong contractions, but pretty far apart. As the evening progressed, so did my contractions. They were 10 minutes apart, almost on the dot, from 9 pm to 11 pm. I finally got up and called the doctor, who said he would like them to be 7-8 minutes apart and at least 90 seconds long (I hadn't really been timing them for length). So I went back to bed. At 1:30, I woke up with much stronger contractions, but quite inconsistent. I finally got up at 2 am and took a shower (I have an issue with NOT having cute hair for my hospital pictures, plus you never know how long it will be in the hospital before you get a real shower), then went to the living room to watch TV for a little while and make sure things were still moving along. At 4:30, I was tired and decided to go back to bed. By 4:45, things were really rocking. I was having contractions every 6 minutes without fail and by 5:45 decided that we should go to the hospital. My mom came over to stay with the boys until we got there and figured out what was happening. They hooked me up, checked my cervix, and asked a bunch of questions. One question was "what is your pain level on a scale of 1-10"? I answered with a "1". So then Sean was like "What? You woke me up for a 1??" When she checked, I was dilated to a 1 - which I have been for the past 3 weeks - and said she'd be back in an hour to see how things were progressing before she called the doctor. After an hour, I was still a 1 and my contractions were too irregular for them, so they sent me home. She gave me a paper on how to decipher between Active Labor and Practice Labor. Let me list the "active" options for you:
1. Contractions may be irregular at first, usually become regular, longer, closer together, and stronger. This happened before we got there - so I thought.
2. Walking makes them stronger - CHECK!
3. Lying down does not make them go away - CHECK!
4. Usually felt in lower back and radiate to the front - CHECK!
I don't get it. I have an appointment to be induced on Saturday at 8 am. That's fine and really works out better with my schedule of things I wanted to do (and have Sean do) for next week. I just hate that I had to go there and they sent me home because I felt like an idiot! Gotta hate that feeling. Anyway, we're planning on heading back on Saturday to maybe finally meet this little guy.
10 years ago