Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valentine Cards

To those of you who love sweet Valentine cards, I found this website in a magazine. Their cards are pretty cute. You can get 6 free cards, plus free shipping if you want some just for fun. You go to Then use valentine at checkout to get them free. This is the one I did, although you can't see it very well. They have lots of other fun things too!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Valentine's Shirts

I thought the boys looked cute today in their coordinating, but not identical, Valentine's shirts. Blake's is from last year (yes, he's still about the same size), Brody's is a hand-me-down from Blake, and Gavin's is brand new. Cute boys.
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Almost 4 months

I decided to take some pictures of Gavin outside in his cute little outfit. I ended up in the shade so he would open his eyes, but I thought they turned out pretty cute. The first one is the one I put in my room, only in sepia. Blake was a big helper to try and get Gavin to smile.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Brody!

Brody is our sweet, but poor, Christmas baby. He was born on December 29th. After talking to lots of people with December birthdays, we decided to celebrate his 1/2 birthday in June where he will get presents, since he just got done opening what seemed like thousands of presents 4 days earlier. We did want to celebrate and have fun that day, so we decided to take him to Chuck E. Cheese for a fun evening. He had a great time playing the games and putting the coins in (sometimes more than was required at a time). Before we got our food, I took him over to see the band sing and he was loving it. By the time I wanted to take pictures in front of the band, he wanted nothing to do with it (mostly because they were way to close for his comfort), so we opted for a family picture in front of the Chuck E. Cheese sign. We had a great evening! Happy Birthday my sweet 2 year old boy!
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Brody's Birthday Cake

Brody loves ice cream. He knows right were it is and asks for it a lot! He says "num num". For his 1st birthday, we got him an ice cream cake from Marble Slab and he liked it so much (so did we) that we decided it would be our tradition for his future cakes. He ate most of it, but decided he didn't like the strawberries in it, so he gave them to papa.
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Gingerbread House

One of the first days of the Christmas break, Jared came over and helped Blake build this gingerbread house. It was one of those that comes in a kit. The younger two boys were napping, so I left Jared in charge and came in to do some computer work. You must know that Blake is very much a follow the instructions kind of kid. As they were building, I heard Blake talking about where to put things based on the picture on the box. After a while of this, I heard Jared say "Blake, we're not making it like the box. We're making it our own way." He had definitely gotten tired of the comparison and just wanted to be his own kind of creative. They did a great job and it was fun to have around for Christmas!
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Abstract Art

I was watching HGTV the other day (Deserving Design with Vern Yip - he's my favorite) and he was doing a house for a firefighter. For the living room, he hired a photographer to take pictures of things in the firehouse and turn them into abstract art. This guy was definitely professional, but the pictures turned out awesome! I definitely want to be able to do stuff like that. These are some pictures I took, just messing around with it, but I thought the one of Gavin turned out especially cute. Brody's would have been better if I could have gotten him to hold still for 5 seconds. Just thought they were kind of fun. I'm really looking to do something fun over Brody's bed, and I thought some unique pictures of him would be cool.
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