Gavin is 6 months old today! I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. Where has the time gone? I have tried harder to just hold him and cuddle him and enjoy the small moments. They go by so unbelievably quick.
Things I love about him:
1. His gorgeous blue eyes. The other boys are brown, as are Sean and I.
2. When he sees me, he smiles really big and gets really excited that I might come pick him up.
3. He loves playing on the floor under his toys.
4. He sleeps all night (most of the time).
5. He sleeps in his own crib.
6. He has adorable little feet that are so very ticklish.
7. He adores his brothers.
Things he does right now:
1. Babbles - just started saying "da, da, da, da, da" but not meaning daddy :)
2. Sucks on his hands.
3. Plays with toys.
4. Hates tummy time.
5. Laughs when tickled.
6. LOVES getting his diaper changed. He gets a huge grin on his face and giggles when I take the diaper off. It's adorable!
When I was so certain that I wanted a girl for our third baby (and actually cried for a couple of days when I found out that it wasn't), what a sweet baby boy we've ended up with! I love you to pieces Gavi Gavers!