Gavin turned 18 months old today. I can't believe where the time has gone! What an absolute blessing he's been in my life!
Things about Gavin right now:
1. He's a sweet loving boy.
2. He sleeps all night in his own room and takes really good naps.
3. He has 4 top teeth and 3 bottom teeth (and currently cutting 2 top molars).
4. He says "no" for everything.
5. He loves to go places and will bring me his coat when he's ready to go.
6. His favorite person is Papa.
7. He eats just about everything, but particularly loves corn dogs, fruit snacks, apples, bananas, grapes, and cookies.
8. He can name all of the Yo Gabba Gabba characters.
9. He can say most words that end with the "k" sound: milk, snack, yuck, book, plex (close enough)
10. He says "owoah" for his "owel" which are his colored cloth diapers. He also says "I don't know" and "There it is".
11. He gets excited when I come home from kickboxing and runs to me saying "mama"!
12. He still wears little shoes. I love it!
13. He still likes taking everything out of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. Will he ever outgrow that?
14. He's definitely not afraid of the vacuum. Sometimes I wish he was.
15. He knows how to work my iPod touch and wants it if he sees it.
16. He knows to say "cheese" when I get the camera out and then runs over to see the picture.
17. He likes to sing and dance. His favorite songs are "This little light of mine" and "Gospel Chariot" and anything from Yo Gabba Gabba. He does some of the actions too!
18. He loves riding in his car seat.
Happy 18 month day, Gavi boy. We love you dearly!!