Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So far today...

Brody woke up at 8:30 this morning. Right now it is 10:30 am. So far today, he has managed to grind his toast with butter and cinnamon sugar into my chair, eat Blake's water color paints and his leftover chips from yesterday, spill the water that went with Blake's water color paints, climb on the kitchen table, unroll the toilet paper in the little bathroom, and wake Gavin up from his nap. I'm so looking forward to the rest of the day with this sweet little boy!


Stephanie said...

I'm smiling even though you may not be....

Diane said...

So sorry. When I have those days with Morgan and Porter I always have to look at them when they have fallen asleep for the night; they always look like perfect angels. It makes it all worth it.