Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finger Problem

I went to wake Brody up from his nap today and he had stuck his finger in this wiffle ball. I tried to get it off before we went to meet his school teacher, but couldn't get it off, so he went with it on there and also had it on to go get Blake. When I got home, I tried cold water, vaseline, and ice. Then I called my mom to come help and she tried Pam and an ice bath. Still nothing! We finally thought of Sean's wire cutters and cut the ball to pieces. His little finger is so swollen and sore. Hopefully he'll not do that again. I mean the poor kid has the chubbiest little fingers on the planet! Grateful that we got it off and didn't have to amputate anything! By the way, the pictures are crummy because I took them with my phone :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Growing Up

Gavin has done a lot of growing up in the past 2 weeks. We went to California and all of a sudden he could do all kinds of things. He can now eat more solid foods, like Cheerios and Baby Puffs, which he used to choke on. He can wave hi and bye-bye and also crawl like a real baby. The other boys did kind of weird crawling, but not Gavin, he can do it! He's a great little eater except that he's developed a loud yell if you don't feed him fast enough. He's a sweet boy though and we really are enjoying him!
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Blake's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Blake's first day of Kindergarten. His teacher is Mrs. Richardson, who we are so excited about! I think he was a little nervous, but got in the room and did great! We put away his school supplies and then he sat in his seat. So cute! I thought I would cry, but I didn't. It's just an exciting new step in our lives. Happy 1st day, Blake! I love you!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Matching Boys

I tried to get a cute picture of Brody and Gavin wearing the matching shirts that used to be for Blake and Brody. I couldn't really get them to cooperate like Blake and Brody had before, but they're still cute. This is Brody (2 1/2) and Gavin (10 months). Below is Blake at 3 and Brody at 4 months. It's hard to remember them being so little!

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