Wednesday, September 24, 2008

False Alarm

So, I was due on Sunday. I knew I was going to go over because I did with the other two boys, so it hasn't been that big of a deal. Yes, I'm ready, but what can you do. Anyway, after Blake's soccer practice yesterday, we went to Wendy's to eat and I started having really strong contractions, but pretty far apart. As the evening progressed, so did my contractions. They were 10 minutes apart, almost on the dot, from 9 pm to 11 pm. I finally got up and called the doctor, who said he would like them to be 7-8 minutes apart and at least 90 seconds long (I hadn't really been timing them for length). So I went back to bed. At 1:30, I woke up with much stronger contractions, but quite inconsistent. I finally got up at 2 am and took a shower (I have an issue with NOT having cute hair for my hospital pictures, plus you never know how long it will be in the hospital before you get a real shower), then went to the living room to watch TV for a little while and make sure things were still moving along. At 4:30, I was tired and decided to go back to bed. By 4:45, things were really rocking. I was having contractions every 6 minutes without fail and by 5:45 decided that we should go to the hospital. My mom came over to stay with the boys until we got there and figured out what was happening. They hooked me up, checked my cervix, and asked a bunch of questions. One question was "what is your pain level on a scale of 1-10"? I answered with a "1". So then Sean was like "What? You woke me up for a 1??" When she checked, I was dilated to a 1 - which I have been for the past 3 weeks - and said she'd be back in an hour to see how things were progressing before she called the doctor. After an hour, I was still a 1 and my contractions were too irregular for them, so they sent me home. She gave me a paper on how to decipher between Active Labor and Practice Labor. Let me list the "active" options for you:
1. Contractions may be irregular at first, usually become regular, longer, closer together, and stronger. This happened before we got there - so I thought.
2. Walking makes them stronger - CHECK!
3. Lying down does not make them go away - CHECK!
4. Usually felt in lower back and radiate to the front - CHECK!
I don't get it. I have an appointment to be induced on Saturday at 8 am. That's fine and really works out better with my schedule of things I wanted to do (and have Sean do) for next week. I just hate that I had to go there and they sent me home because I felt like an idiot! Gotta hate that feeling. Anyway, we're planning on heading back on Saturday to maybe finally meet this little guy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Winnie the Pooh Live!

Brody & Blake before the show.
Daddy & Brody while waiting in line to buy the really ridiculously high priced goodies.
Cute sign.
Blake with his new toy. Daddy is such a sucker. :)

Sean's gram wanted us to take the boys to see Winnie the Pooh Live (she had seen a commercial for it and thought it looked cute). This was part of Blake's birthday present from them. It was a cute show and Blake had a great time. Sean and I decided that it would have been much more worth the money to not buy Brody a ticket and use that money to hire a babysitter for him instead. We're pretty sure he has some sort of hyperactive disorder, more than the normal 20 month old. Wow - I feel like I was just a human jungle gym for an hour and a half! Anyway, we had a pretty good time and it was fun to get out of the house before we add another crazy boy to the family.
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Go buffs go!

Helen took Blake to a fun Buffs day at WT a couple of weeks ago. She called to see if he was even interested (possibly thinking he might not be?) and I think the poor kid didn't even sleep that night because he was so excited. The different athletic teams had booths of fun things to do. His favorite was the dunking tank and the face painting. Helen bought him some popcorn and a corn dog and thankfully signed him up for Bucky's Kids Club, which included a free t-shirt! He had a great time - Thanks Helen!!
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37 Weeks

I went to the doctor yesterday for my weekly check-up. I lost 3/4 of a pound and was dilated to a 1. He said not to get too excited about that though. :) I've had a few contractions here and there, but nothing major. I am trying to get things organized so it will be easier when it gets closer. Sean was nervous about me going into labor at home. Please.....3 babies later, I'm pretty sure I know what it feels like and we can get to the hospital in plenty of time. Men are so cute! I did find out that BSA opens the doors at 6am (I thought it was 8am) so if something does happen, I know where to go. :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Date with Blake

Last Friday we were in Amarillo for my doctor's appointment and Blake decided that he wanted to eat at Kabuki. Brody was being his usual, beastly self and it was right at noon (the worst time to go) and we didn't really have time to wait. My mom said that if he waited for another day, she would watch Brody and just Blake and I could go. We went today and had a really fun time. His favorite parts are the soup they serve at the beginning and the fire volcano. He didn't eat that well, but I think he was satisfied with our trip.
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First Day of Pre-School

Today was Blake's first day of Pre-School. His teacher's name is Ms. Kaci. He had a great day! They have long tables with little chairs, their school box, and their name on the table. He already had homework to do last night with writing his address, phone number, and birthday. They have a very fun month planned, so I'm really excited for him. Brody goes to school too, but it's just more of a mother's day out (which I very much need for my own sanity). I'm glad they like it and that they both had such a great day!
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Living Room redo


These are our living room pictures. Before it was just dark, wood paneling. We decided to paint the paneling and all the trim. Sean helped me, which was very nice. We sanded, did 2 coats of primer, and then 2 coats of paint. I also ended up having to do 3 coats of white on the trim. I still have a little painting to do on the trim around the door, and the back doors, but other than that, we're done. Those jobs need to be done while Brody is sleeping, otherwise he'll be covered! It really brightened up the space and made it seem bigger and not so "dungeon" like. We still have the hallway that we would like to redo, but I'm done with projects until after the baby is born. I think I've finally reached my limit!
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Brody's PJ's

I love these one piece PJ's that zip up. I have lots of pictures of Blake in PJ's like this and not really any of Brody - imagine that (poor 2nd child). I just thought he looked cute and thought I would take some pictures while I was thinking about it and also before he outgrows them! Oh - this was also on his 20 month birthday.
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