Friday, September 5, 2008

Winnie the Pooh Live!

Brody & Blake before the show.
Daddy & Brody while waiting in line to buy the really ridiculously high priced goodies.
Cute sign.
Blake with his new toy. Daddy is such a sucker. :)

Sean's gram wanted us to take the boys to see Winnie the Pooh Live (she had seen a commercial for it and thought it looked cute). This was part of Blake's birthday present from them. It was a cute show and Blake had a great time. Sean and I decided that it would have been much more worth the money to not buy Brody a ticket and use that money to hire a babysitter for him instead. We're pretty sure he has some sort of hyperactive disorder, more than the normal 20 month old. Wow - I feel like I was just a human jungle gym for an hour and a half! Anyway, we had a pretty good time and it was fun to get out of the house before we add another crazy boy to the family.
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