Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Clever" Little Boy

I like to have the living room clean before I go to bed so that I can start fresh the next day. So I distinctly remember cleaning up Gavin's toys and putting them away in the bucket last night. I was a little confused when I found the basket upside down and the toys everywhere.

Let me preface the following conversation. We installed the magnetic child lock system on our entertainment center to keep the little ones out. Brody is a big fan of getting all the DVD cases out and spreading them all over the living room and then leaving. He also takes the covers out and rips them up. Sean also doesn't want anyone touching his game system. So the magnetic key gets put up high where only Sean and I can reach it. We also call it "the special key". So here's the conversation:
Me: Blake, did you dump out all of Gavin's toys?
Blake: Yes mom, I needed the special key.
Me: Are you allowed to get the special key?
Blake: No, but I didn't want to wake you up.
Ok, good grief. I got up at 7:45. Is there really any reason for him to be up that early? And can you see that he used the bucket to climb up to get the key? It's a wonder that he didn't get hurt trying to do that. And I'm SO not good at punishing for stuff like that. What a start to the day!

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