Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We had a really fun time celebrating St. Patrick's day. I bought shirts at Old Navy for the boys and Sean and I just wore something green. We made green cupcakes with green wrappers and green crust pizza for dinner. The boys thought it was so fun (and it was so easy)! One crazy story from the day - we were eating lunch out (dressed in our green) and some lady came up to us and said "Cute family. Are you Irish?" I think I said "ya, something like that" with a smile, but then she said "oh, what's your last name?" BUMMER! So I told her it was Usleton, which is German, and that we were just enjoying the day! Other than that, we had a great day being green.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You can borrow my crazy name next time if you need :)