Friday, August 15, 2008

New toilets


It's sad when you get excited about having new toilets in your house. When we moved in about 2 months ago, the master bath and kid's bath had kind of ugly, brown toilets. We thought they were fine, but they are absolute water guzzlers. It takes like 15 minutes after you flush for it to fill up and be ready to go again. I'm pretty sure they were original to the house and frankly, they were just disgusting! So, I have the plumber here and we're getting new toilets! Yeah!! They look really good and we can be more up with the times. These new toilets are awesome....I'll spare you all the details. Here is a picture of the boys new one - before and after. The before picture is before we moved in.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Yeah for new toilets!! You really should have taken that A&M seat back home with you :( It might have livened up the old ones.